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A Week in the Life

I thought I would share a week in the life of a habderdasher with you. Currently I am babysitting the builders replacing the conservatory, so I thought I’d share a typical day.  What do I  do all day long? How do small business owners stay busy? I’ve had the shop nearly 6 years now and no two days are the same.  I love what I do and hope to see you soon!


Usually Mondays start with tickling round the shop tidying up and checking stock levels.  Monday is often ideas day which then sketches out the rest of the week. Today I have lots of fabric remnants that need to go to make space for winter yarns so i thought i’d bag them up and make suprise goody bags of fabric  and pop them outside.


Today is delivery day!  Shop orders from  the weekend usually arrive today.  Boxes get opened and items need unpacking, pricing and squeezing onto shelves! It usually keeps me busy inbetween serving customers. Not much in this week’s order, so once done, I spent down time knitting.  I am learning how to make stripes and knit with cotton!


Today was very exciting as I had a visit from my stylecraft rep, Maureen.  Once a month I get to find out what’s new for the season and put in my  yarn order.  Lots of companies have a minimum order for free carriage but it racks up to hundreds of pounds. There is a juggle between making sure there’s enough in the bank to justify a huge order and not ordering for the sake of it and being overstocked. I have to guess if the new lines will sell – each area has it’s own quirks. What sells for Stylecraft doesn’t necesarily sell for me in Somerton.  Covid and Brexit have meant stock shortages for the last year so repeat orders aren’t always a given, some stuff I have waited since January for!!


Didn’t even get to have a cuppa this morning 🙁         Not to be outdone, I went to Market Bakery and reminded myself of how utterly delicious their coffee is.


It was a very busy customer day in the shop today, the weather was weird though. Four seasons in one day – for August that’s rubbish!!  I set off in a T shirt and by the end of the day I was in an emergency shop jumper AND i had to borrow the emergency shop umbrella as it totally poured down at hometime.


Wednesday’s yarn delivery arrived today, so that needed oozing onto all the shelves.  A fab friend delivered a much needed Hot Chocolate from Craft House Chocolate and we managed a catch up sat outside.  I had another rep visit and a chat. As a result I have now joined the  UK Hand knitting association (UKHKA) as they are doing their best to promote independent yarn shops in the wake of the Pandemic alongside some business support.  Apparently I can have a mention in their directory and a little webpage.  Something more to do another day!


Steph is coming today for a workshop.  We have been running them outside, but it’s totally tipping down.  Upstairs needs tidying and clearing so there’s enough room for everyone inside today.


And relax! that’s my week. Not really relaxing as i need to make up this week’s order for delivery on Tuesday and we go round again. 

See you soon!




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