Well hi folks! I have spent today populating the What’s on Events calendar on the Mrs McGregor’s webpage here, and yes, Christmas workshops are on the agenda. I am currently making too many typing mistakes so am giving it a rest for now, but i have gotten up to November and if you pop in the shop, the December dates are on the calendar.
I need to print out flyers, so that’s a job for another night I am afraid. Enjoy your last hurrah’s with the children before sending them back to school this week!
Have a restful rest of your day.
Oh my goodness me! I’ve just had an overdue look at your web-site! Wow, you have come up into the 21st century. very impressive.
I remember that you made some triangular (I think) bags ages ago, that I fancied having a go at. Are you likely to be doing that again? (not on a Thur please). Lynn
ha thanks Lynn, hope you are well. I don’t remember the bags but i will make them again if you can remember anything they looked like!
Hi Sue
I knew there was a reason that I kept all that paperwork on my desk!! When I got almost to the bottom of it, I found your summer workshop list. It was a Hexagonal collapse bag! 🙂