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NHS support

Recently I have been contacted by a few folk making things for the NHS as they were short of supplies.  I have been out of the loop for a couple of weeks due to being poorly, but a quick internet search showed that PPE was sorely needed.  I have a fellow small business owner Claire@waistcoatsunlimited who is making scrubs for the NHS, plus I read that Patrick Grant (yes him from the Sewing Bee) has turned his Northern factory into full time scrubs production. 


The first lady to contact me wanted elastic and buttons to make headbands for the nurses as their ears were getting sore.   I donated the supplies in return for some information in case any of you out there wish to contribute.  Here is the info she sent to me, although I don’t know who wants them or how to get them there at the moment!  I am sure that with enough local contacts we will find out soon enough and I will update here.

Reversible Scrub Cap Tutorial (1)

Pattern plus Hair Pocket instructions



Mr McGregor has been doing his bit to help and has been busy 3D printing headbands that go with an acetate face shield. 50 of these lovelies went to a collection hub yesterday. He got the pattern from the National 3d Printing Society website with all the details.


I hope you are all staying safe and if you’re bored, give me a shout, I can arrange an appointment to get to the shop or get some crafty package deliveries going if you are local.  Time for lunch!




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