Welcome to Corona Crafting lockdown week 1 blog!
Boris has closed me down for the time being as I am non essential retail (although you try telling an avid crafter they cant get supplies and see where that gets you). A 3 week business hiatus I thought would be doable, I would accept it with grace and treat it like an enforced holiday. I had all these grand ideas about what I could fill my newly gained time with; make a patchwork quilt, sit serenely knitting, or finally learn how to put on eyeliner with that little flick at the side?
What have I done so far? Nothing. Actually, that’s a lie. I have spent a week reading teenage fiction in the sunshine, catching up on the last few books of a series that I started some years ago in a bid to stay conneced with my large teenager, who very soon won’t be a teenager any longer. I usually only read for pleasure on holiday, when I voraciously demolish half a dozen novels of varying types although I am partial to a good thriller. I love escaping with a book, especially a well-written one that takes you to imagined countries with an exciting life of derring-do and adventure.
I am having serious problems of late though, as my fiction is clashing with reality just at the moment due to watching a series on TV called “Under the Dome” (Mysterious dome covers small town, panic ensues in the lockdown) and “The Last Ship” (Virus wipes out the world, Navy ship saves the day). Plus the books (Time travelling teenagers can’t save the world from a pandemic virus from china in 2070) I am really having problems waking in the morning and wondering what’s real and what isn’t anymore!

This might be my view for a bit longer, as despite taking my Dettol wipes and being REALLY careful, I have managed to come back from a supermarket food shop with some kind of mini lurgy. (Don’t panic, i’m sure it’s nothing)! and just at the moment, I don’t really feel up to making a business plan as to how I can keep the shop afloat for the next 3 months. Week 2 of lockdown might just involve staying in bed or sitting quietly reading with a constant supply of paracetomol beside me. I will, however, need some new reading and TV material – Please help me with your suggestions!!!
Stay safe and lurgy free.
best wishes,
Sue xx