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Warmth at last!

Warmth at last!!

Although I am now finding it too hot after this little run of weather. I haven’t blog posted for so long as I have been super busy serving customers and running workshops.  Sometimes we get so busy as the weeks and months seem to slip by and we wonder if or what we have actually achieved.  If I wrote a list of what I did in a 24 hour period, it would reach the bottom of a page, however when it’s mundane stuff like getting the washing out on the line before going to work then we think it’s not worth anything.

There is a movement called “slow stitching” going on at present. It means exactly that: enjoy your stitching slowly. We are always in such a rush to get onto the next job, we forget to enjoy where we are right now.  I am going to try and enjoy right now a little more often.  I am sure it won’t help me achieve more, but at least I will be happy living ‘in the moment’ for a bit.

Slow down, do less, go deeper, be still.

Sue 🙂